Join a community of parents for support and community
Get ready to start kindergarten in Midland County
Our 2025-2029 Strategic Plan
About Us
The Midland County Great Start Collaborative is a network of service providers, parents, business and community leaders, and educators who work together to provide coordinated support for families of children from birth through age five. These individuals work together to oversee the planning, implementation, and ongoing improvement of programs and services for Midland County children and families.
The Great Start Collaborative goal is to help ensure that children are safe, healthy and ready to learn when they enter kindergarten in Midland County. All children deserve a healthy foundation so that they can be successful in school and in life.
Midland County Great Start Collaborative Director: Bethany Shoun
Phone: 492-7700 ext. 1173
Anyone is welcome to attend any of the coalition meetings; we welcome parents, guardians, community members, businesses, and agencies at any time! Dinner is provided as well as childcare, so in order to help us plan appropriately we do ask that you R.S.V.P ahead of time. Feel free to call Nikki Sprague, Family Liaison, at 989-492-7702 ext 1229 or email at for more information about meetings, to R.S.V.P. to a meeting, or for information about how to join the Midland County Family Coalition.
Great Start Collaborative Meeting Information
Anyone is welcome to attend any of the collaborative meetings; we welcome parents, community members, businesses, and agencies at any time! Feel free to call Bethany Shoun, Great Start Collaborative Director, at 989-492-7702 x1173 or at for more information about meetings, or for information about how to join the Midland County GSC.

Midland County Great Start Collaborative Director
Bethany Shoun can be reached at 989-492-7702 x1173

Midland County Great Start Collaborative Family Liaison
Nikki Sprague can be reached at 989-492-7702 x1229